So, rather than take advantage of the free breakfast at the hotel I just grab a cup of coffee and head out to do some photography.
I mentioned that I have been going to the same lake every morning to see if I could capture pictures that are new and different even though I am in the same location.
At first I thought that I would try different pictures of the dock. Maybe start with an overall shot...

... then something a bit closer.

It was ok until a passing plane's contrail caught my eye.

I decided that the dock theme might work so I tried another dock and tried to show how, depending on your position, the morning can be very colorful with the reds and golds of the rising sun or almost colorless.

I was liking the idea of color and colorless and saw this tree that was almost golden BUT there were wires in front of it.

I thought that it might make a nice topic to talk about how our landscapes are all adorned with power lines.
As I looked for a vantage point to highlight the wires I noticed that there was someone sitting on top of the power pole.

As I walked up a little closer, he eyed me from one side...

... and then from the other...

... before deciding that he didn't enjoy my company.
What I hadn't noticed, and what is hard to see in this picture because of the wires, is that I was disturbing his breakfast.

Off he flew and I decided that I had enough pictures for today's blog and I headed back to my car.
As I rounded a large live oak tree I noticed my breakfast companion sitting atop a dead pine.

He saw me coming and started making threatening gestures.

Now, so you don't think that I was right up there harassing this poor bird, take a look at how far away I really was. (Aren't zoom lenses great?)

Even being that far away he wasn't comfortable with me being there.

So he took his breakfast and headed for a more private location.

Clever story and photography! I L-O-V-E breakfast food, any time of day. However, at home, I eat cereal almost every morning (Frosted Flakes or Honey Nut Cheerios). I never get tired of dry cereal with 1% milk. Eating out will find me ordering eggs over-easy, link sausage, grits, rye toast and coffee.