Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday, 3/14/10 - Similar Differences

Over the past few years I have had the honor and the pleasure of maintaining websites and doing photography for two inspirational non-profit groups.

Both groups present a message of inclusion through art.

The first is DIVERSITY: The Voices Of Sarasota. Visit them at

When I first started working with DIVERSITY it was a men's chorus that had one female participant. In time, they added a women's chorus. They shared a stage but they maintained different names and basically performed separately.

They combined a couple of years ago under one name and the result has been amazing. The chorus is larger, more diverse and, honestly, a lot better together than they ever were separately.

By combining both groups they have gained a level of diversity in their membership that allows a greater diversity in their performances. This, in turn, has led to a greater diversity in their audiences.

The other group I work with is Embracing Our Differences. You can view them at

Embracing Our Differences exposes children to diversity issues through art.

Every year they solicit quotes and artwork from people around the world. They combine these to create an outdoor exhibit at a waterfront park and make visiting the exhibit a field trip for local schools.

I have just finished adding this year's artwork and quotes to their website and I am amazed, moved and sometimes amused by the creativity and openness of our children and young adults. If these works are any indication of what we can expect from the next generation then I am confident that this world will continue to improve - for everyone.

My words here cannot convey the impact that this exhibit has on the community so it is best if you take the time to visit their website or, even better, visit the exhibit which runs from March 28 through May 2 at Island Park in Sarasota, FL.

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