Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday, 3/5/10 - Sharing

I had dinner last night with a friend
that I have not seen in many years.

We talked
and shared our lives
and our laughter.

He told me about his writing
and was very interested in reading
what he has written over the years.

I told him about this blog
and suggested that he might
want to start his own.

He responded with the expected,
"I don't do that"
but seemed to consider it
when I explained that
this space is not about
"Look at me and what I can do".

This space is about sharing.

This space is about unashamedly
putting yourself out there.

I have no delusions.
The works I put out here are not my finest.
Some are just grab shots
that come straight from the camera.

This space is here just to entertain,
not to impress.

Although I have the ability to share
this space with people I know,
it is the random aspect that
I find fascinating.

At any time,
there could be anyone,
viewing these posts.

I would like to think that
at some point
my images or words
will put a smile on someone's face.

for me,
this is all about

I encourage you
to share, too.


  1. I find the photos interesting and inspiring; color,sharpness, shadow, and ordinary subject matter - it is the haiku of photography. But your writing is thought provoking and eloquent to boot. Love this blog.

  2. I'm impressed. Your writing looks and sounds like poetry. Thanks for writing about our evening. You pushed some buttons that haven't been pushed in a long time -- good ones.
