Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday, 8/25/10 - Conversations Before Carnations



"How about Sculpture? No, maybe Painting."

"You need twelve credits. Minimum."

"Can I just do part-time, like a half term or something?"

"Not until after you have completed sixty-six credits. Are you sure about the Music and Painting? Last term all of your studies were based in the Arts."

"I like the Arts."

"But you haven't completed any of the core requirements. You can't graduate without them."

"Then maybe I will never graduate."

"Everyone graduates, some just take longer than others to get there. How about taking on some History this term?"

"I know enough about History. Lies told by the better warriors. It's nothing more than a series of justifications for atrocious behavior."

"OK, what about one of the Sciences? Perhaps one of the Physical Sciences."

"Me? The guy who is more Escher than Einstein? I don't think so. Besides, we both know that science only applies to the physical. It's transient."

"You like to think, how about Religion?"


"What about one of the Languages?"

"Words. Just words that we attach to things."

"Philosophy. That's almost artistic."

"Oh, please. Philosophy is only thought expressed in language."

"What then?"

"Art! Art is the only pure form of communication. It transcends time, culture, language. Just look around here. What do you see? Art! Why? Because no matter who enters, they will understand, they will appreciate. Art is the only universal language and therefore the only language needed. Besides, I already know all I need to know about those other subjects."

"Knowing is not enough, you have to demonstrate that knowledge. You do that by being tested."

"Well then, test me. We both know that I know that material inside and out. It seems a waste to spend a whole term on something I already know. Can't I just test out?"

"Testing out requires department head approval and you can only test out of one subject per term."

"Can I apply to test out of ... oh, ... how about Philosophy?"

"You would have to talk to the department head yourself and convince him that you are ready to test out."

"I can do that. Who is the head this term?"

"Let me see... Hmmmmm, looks like you got lucky, the head this term is Buddah. You would have had a much harder time with Plato. He was head last term. I'll give Buddah a call and let him know you are coming. "

"Thanks! I can't tell you how much I appreciate this."

"See? If you had taken a Language term you might be able to find the words."

"Very funny."

"So, you want to do every one of your lives in the Arts?"

"Yes, I really do."

"Whatever you do, you have to hurry, your next incarnation date is coming up and you have to have all of your subjects chosen before you head down there again."

"Writing... maybe in this next life I will choose Creative Writing."

1 comment:

  1. I know how he feels, but I'm glad "Buddah" didn't let me opt out of math and science (smile).
