Thursday, June 10, 2010

Friday, 6/11/10 - The Habit

I have heard that if you do something for 21 days that it becomes a habit.

This is the 140th entry into this blog... so, I guess it has become a habit.

With traveling and working, the next few days will be very crazy for me and I may not get to post every day.

I have been fretting over how to deal with this and even considered writing the next few entries in advance but that would violate the rules I established.

Funny, I was so concerned with how to handle the next few days that I failed to consider what I would write today...

... and that, my friends, is a good lesson in Remember, Be Here Now.

This image is more about the background than the forground. I carefully considered where light and dark should begin and end.

The following three images were taken through a screened window.

As the sun sank lower it illuminated some potted plants outside my window. I grabbed the camera and stepped outside to grab a few shots but the light was completely different when viewed from the outside.

So, I stepped back inside and took these.

1 comment:

  1. Just like habits, rules were made to be broken ... the spirit of the "law" rather than the letter of the law. Beautiful photography, as usual.
