"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clark
It came to pass that man created life.

As might be expected, he created it in his own image. And, because it resembled him, he grew uneasy with its presence. He gathered together all he had created, found a suitable planet and populated it with his creations.
Being curious, man watched from afar as his creations established themselves and began to thrive.
Many years passed and man's creations began to follow in the footsteps of their creators. Sometimes, the directions they moved in were perilous. Other times, the environment threatened their existence.
Rather than allow them to perish, man intervened and in doing so, established himself as a God to his creations.
"Look," they exclaimed, "He comes from the sky! He flies! Surely he is a God!" They quoted man as best they could and repeated these words to each other in many ways. They used man's words as explanations for anything they did not understand.
Still more years passed and man's creations designed elaborate rituals around what they remembered man saying. They built temples to house their understanding of him and to give residence to his image.
And as man's creations progressed, they too advanced to the point where they could create life.

And, when they did create life, they created it in their own image. They then grew uneasy with its presence and searched the universe for a suitable planet...
There are some interesting items in the book I just finished reading, The Lost Symbol, concerning our being created in the image of God. It has to do with the partitioning of our brain -- very interesting.