I love when you do that with your hair. You probably don't even know you're doing it but you do it all of the time.
If I told you, you wouldn't understand. You wouldn't believe me. You would wonder how a total stranger could know anything about you.
But I know a lot about you.
I love you.
I've been watching you for a long time. It's my job - a very good job, an important job - and I would lose it if they knew how I feel about you...
How I think about you all of the time.
You are not the only one I've been assigned to watch, there are several others but they are not like you, they don't affect me the way you do. If they played with their hair the way you do I wouldn't notice. But, when you do it...
I would like to show you the pictures of you that I have taken. They are beautiful.
You are beautiful.
I especially like the evenings before you sleep. I like the way the steamy shower softens everything and makes it all look like a dream. Makes you look like a dream...
Like my dream.
And, after your shower, after you have dried yourself, I enjoy watching you lie on top of your bed, naked, reading... and twirling your hair around your finger.
If I could, I would reach out to you. I would touch your soft, smooth, tanned flesh. I would place my face close to yours, smell your hair - the hair that you play with all of the time.
Yes, yes, I would hold you close to me... feel your arms tighten around me as my tentacles, all eight of them, embrace you, caress you, wrap around you.
But, no, that is forbidden. I can never meet you. I can only sit in this ship, spinning around your planet, and love you from afar.

I loved it until the "tentacles" showed up.