"Sir, can you help me, please?"
His answer was perfunctory but not unpleasant as he opens the side panel, removes the tire iron and carries it to the back of the truck.
Her voice is almost lost in the roar of the unbroken line of rubber-neckers traveling at break-neck speed as she asks him again, "Sir, please, can you help me?"
He lays the tire iron on the flatbed and walks over to the control panel on the other side of the truck. He has done this thousands of times and, if needed, could do it blindfolded. Pull the top lever down and it releases the brakes on the chains, push it to the right and the chains unroll onto the bed with a banging and a clanging that completely covers the thundering of passing cars and trucks.
"It's not my job!" he yells over to the woman, knowing that she can't hear him.
She says something. He points to his ears and shakes his head letting her know that he can't hear her.
Chains unwound, he hooks them to the front of the disabled vehicle and returns to the control panel.
"Please, can't you help me?"
"Ma'am, I would like to help but I have work to do. When I am done here, I have two more disabled vehicles to haul back in. And, seeing as it's Friday, there will probably be a few more before the evening is over."
"Like I said, I would really like to help you but I have got to do my job." He pushes the lever to the left and the chains begin to wind back in. He finesses them until the slack is removed but they are not yet pulling the vehicle.
He pushes the lever up to lock the chains in place then walks over to confirm that they are securely fastened to the car. Next, he will use the bottom set of levers to lower the back end of the flatbed down to ground level and to winch the car up onto it.
Before he can bring the disabled car onto the flatbed, he has to put it into neutral and release the parking brake.
He steps over the chains connecting his truck to the car and stands beside the driver's door. "Ma'am, you are going to have to move."
"I don't think I can. I think my leg is broken. Can't you help me."
"I'm doing everything I am supposed to do. I'm not EMS, I just run the wrecker. Normally they are here and gone before I show up. Must be busy tonight."
He hears her crying. He wants to help but he could get fired for that. His job is to move the vehicles. That's all. "Ma'am, if you could just put the car into neutral and release the parking brake, I could get us moving. Like I said, I have two more waiting."
He checks his watch and realizes that he is spending too much time on this job. It's not how he would like to do it but the truck's hydraulics are strong enough to pull the car up even if the brake is set. If she won't move and won't help him then that is what he will do.
He starts back to the control panel on the truck then stops. He does feel bad for her, it's not her fault that the EMS guys can't do their job. "Ma'am, if it will make you feel any better, I will radio back in to dispatch that you are staying with your vehicle."
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