"Alice, have you noticed anything different about Gabe?"
"Different? Like what?"
"He seems... overly sensitive."
"I'm not sure what you mean."
"And, I'm not sure I can explain it. Maybe I'm the one who is being overly sensitive. Gabe is a good kid. He is well behaved. He's incredibly bright, gets straight A's."
Alice knows where this conversation is going but asks anyway. "So, what's the problem?"
"Aunt Alice, why is Mom worrying about me?"
"Because she loves you, Gabe."
"I don't know what the problem is."
"So, what is he doing that has you concerned?"
"You're going to think I'm crazy but he finds things. Lost things. He's twelve years old and he has never lost anything. Ever. And if you are around him and you lose something, he finds it or tells you where to look."
Trying to make light of the conversation, "And you are complaining?"
"No! Yes! I mean, sure, it's nice to be able to find things but it's a little creepy that he knows exactly where things are. It's not like we go looking for something and he finds it. If you tell him you've lost something, he just tells you where to look.
"I don't understand why helping Mom find things would upset her. Doesn't she want to find them?"
"Yes, Gabe, she does want to find them. She just doesn't see things the way you and I do."
"He never forgets a name. And I swear that he knows people's names before he is introduced to them. It happened just this morning. We had stopped at the store and I ran into the Averys. I introduced them as Frank and Gloria but when we got in the car, Gabe asked if the Avery's were doing OK."
"I'm sure you had mentioned them before and Gabe just filed it away. Some kids just never forget anything."
"No, this was different. The Avery's lost a son two years ago. Gabe didn't know their last name and he didn't know about their son. Why should he ask if they were doing well?"
"I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation. You probably talked about it and he just filed it away. You said that he never forgets a name."
"Why doesn't Mom talk to me like you talk to me?"
"Because, Gabe, not everyone can speak and hear the way that we do."
"I don't understand."
"You have The Blessing, Gabe. I know it's hard for you to understand now but I promise you that it will get easier. And I will help you. Any time you need me, I will be there. Just talk to me the way you are talking to me now."
"Thank you, Aunt Alice. I love you."
"I love you, too, Gabe."
"You're right, I am probably worrying about nothing. Gabe really is a blessing."

This conversation didn't go where I thought it might. Also, I had some trouble -- had to re-read -- to understand the two conversations (despite the italics).