1 large bag of laughter
1 bushel of sweet fruits
a few nuts
zest of lemon (or other bitter fruit)
Spread the smiles evenly across all faces.
Dust liberally with laughter.
With helping hands, mix the remaining ingredients together in a large park.
Heat slowly on a warm summer day until soft and bubbly.
Serve in large bowls.
Will stay fresh forever when stored in an open container .
The healthy sugars in this disk sweeten over time.
Although it is recommended that you make this dish often, the combination of leavening agents allow you to consume as much as you like, as often as you like without depleting the original amount. It has been observed that the more you share this recipe, the more you will have.
Here is what the completed recipe could look like.

Note: adjust the amount of nuts to your liking.
LOL :) !