Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sunday, 8/22/10 - Runic Scrawl

Do you remember me?
I am The Kid who had The Dream.

Do you remember how?
The not-much-then is no-more-now.

Thin black threads and sleight-of-truth
Magic tricks held up as proof.

Wonder where the pathway leads,
Stepping stones obscured by weeds.

Stories spiral, out and in,
Reason captive in the spin.

Wealthy wielding golden might,
Children milking their birthright.

Early morning turns mid-day,
Aesop's hoppers working play.

Product of a dream-filled mind,
Human form empty inside.

Still thoughts run deep on higher ground.
Re-create forgotten sound.

Inter-pretend runic scrawl,
Learned to run and not to crawl.

Do you remember me?
I am The Kid who had The Dream.

Do you remember when?
The not-much-now was no-more-then.


  1. Well, it doesn't speak to me (I just read the first comment). This poem sent me scampering for the dictionary with little relief. I loved the rhyme. I missed the point. I know Runic has to do not only with Norse myth but magic. While "Punctual" turned me on big time, this one left me wondering where I had been.

  2. I remember I remember
    Keep up the writing!
