not more than 5 minutes away,
explodes nightly,
working fire into the sky.
Brilliance and booming evoking
oooh's and aaaah's
from Ottowans and Alaskans
come for the sun
and meetings with Mickey.
Join us they caw,
in margarita marinated melodies.
Lucky you are, they lament,
to live in a land,
of everyday holiday.
in this way,
every day.
Lucky you!
No point,
in rattling,
the keys to the kingdom,
that hold no more magic,
than a simple walk,
down any street,
in any town.
Walk then,
where you will,
if you go slowly enough,
you can see miracles,
true miracles,
not just magic,
that is manmade,
and enter-tainted.
Walk then,
and see,
tracks made by man,
overrun by machine.

See footprints,
that haven't changed,
in millions of years.

Look at the way,
we can contain,
the heavens,
in small boxes,
and side-by-side.

And how we can draw lines on the sky,
and repeat them,
in perfect symmetry,
and again.

See how we can create tunnels,
that transport us,
to places,
of our own imagining.

We can coil,
our currents,

And carry them,

From here to eternity.

Yes, I do take your writings seriously! And you're correct in this blog -- enter-tainment can be wherever you are. I prefer mine locally -- not at Disney World. Nice wording.