"Do you want me to drive?"
"No, I want to do this. I know you would do it faster but this really is something that a mother should do."
"So, I click here... Oooh, look, it knows who we are, Jack and Jean McKeon, and it knows that we have a 4 year old model BY-1517D."
"Click next."
"I'll get there, I just want to scroll down and see what else it knows about us. Address, income, bank accounts, pets, hobbies. They have everything! Should I click here to take this survey? They want to know how we like our BY-1517D."
"We can do that later. Let's just get our order in."
"But maybe there is something in the survey that will help when they configure this order. Remember how the BY-1517D leaked and made strange noises when we first got it? I don't want to have to go through that again!"
"I'm sure that they have those problems all worked out by now; it's been 4 years. Let's skip the survey and just click on order default."
"We talked about this! I don't want the default..."
"Sweetheart, we can customize it later. Selecting the default just creates a base configuration to work from."
"Well, ok, but I am not confirming the order until I have verified all of the options. Where is the list we made?"
"It's right here - all 15 pages."
"Don't be sarcastic; this is important! Maybe we shouldn't do this right now. Maybe I should just configure it by myself and you can review it when I am done. That way I can take all of the time I need and you can just click through it like you don't even care."
"I'm sorry. Really, I didn't mean to sound like I don't care - you know I do. It's just that I sit behind a computer screen all day and I know all of the tricks that vendors use to get you to buy things you don't really need. We have our list and if we stick to that we will get exactly what we want."
"But what happens if they have new features that we should consider? This stuff changes all the time."
"You are right. I want us to do this right and I want us to do this together."
"Thank you."
"Can we skip the survey for now?"
"Click here."
"That's interesting, they configured the default as a GL-1228X. We wanted the GL but I am not sure about the X model, we wanted another D."
"That's just the base model. If you click here it will allow us to customize it. I have our list of specifications and I will check them off as we configure them."
"Here, look at this, virus protection is not part of the base package, it's a $3,500 install option with a $150 yearly maintenance fee. That's just crazy, who would order one without virus protection."
"It's on our list. Select it and I will check it off. Next?"
"We talked about this and we decided that we would not spend more than $2,500 on a custom color. Let's see, the default is mocha-ivory-taupe, if we add some persimmon-cinnamon I think we can get close to what we want. Click on the color-chooser over there, then custom color over here, then "add tint over here..."
"Oh, honey, I love it! It's perfect! ... You don't like it?"
"The price is higher than what we agreed on."
"It's not that much higher, besides, we decided that this would be our last one."
"At this price, it will have to be our last one. Do you really like it?"
"It's perfect!"
"Then, do you want to click enter?"
"Yes, very much. Will you click it with me?"
"I would like nothing more than to click with you."
"There, we did it! Hey, what's this?"
"Looks like that model is out of stock and it is back ordered for... nine months!"
"I don't want to wait that long!"
"Click here and let's see what our options are. Hmmmm. Looks like the option set we chose requires a complete build. Do we want to accept one of these other options?"
"NO! I want what we configured. Just look at it. It's beautiful!"

"Well, then, I guess we will just have to wait."
A bit of truth in purchasing! It's wonderful though to have someone to "click" with. (smile)