The thought process started when stopped at a light on my way to work I spotted a vehicle emblazoned with advertizing for a 4D sonographic business that would give you pictures of your child before it's born.
That vehicle caused me to laugh on many levels. What, exactly, is a 4D image? (We will buy anything, won't we?) Why would someone drive a vehicle that advertizes anything? (Uhhh, because fools like me write about them,,, that's why!)
But mostly I laughed because we cannot even wait until birth to start snapping pictures of our little ones.
We know their sex, have their rooms ready, toys purchased, daycare arranged and their college tuition accounts all set up before they are born.
And as I thought about this, the light turned green. My foot was still transitioning from the brake to the gas but the car behind me was already rolling. And they were honking to let me know that I was holding them up.
As I drove by the corner coffee stand I realized that we can't even wait for coffee anymore. Remember when coffee used to perk? No time for that now! Now it drips! Dripping is faster... and if it's not fast enough, you can take the pot out and pour your cup BEFORE it finishes!
Isn't life great!
At the office we needed documents printed. Not next week. Not tomorrow. NOW! So, headless chickens that we are, we dropped everything and ran around chasing this crisis.
Except it wasn't really a crisis. It was a lack of planning. We pushed things off until the last minute and made it a crisis.
We are good at that. All of us.
The fallout was that everything on the schedule for the day was now going to be late, too! Late makes late makes late... and we can't possibly wait.
I could go on and on about how much I enjoy the process, not just the result, except I am late for something and I really need to go...
Just so you know, my day yesterday ended with a photo shoot at the Players Theatre. We took about 2,500 images. Here is one I liked a lot.

Our need for immediacy knows no limit. It pervades every aspect of our lives. If we could find a way to get a three minute egg in a minute and a half we would do it - and we would miss another opportunity to enjoy something for three whole minutes.
Yes, I was even impatient for this blog. When I got up this morning, I wanted the blog now. When it wasn't there earlier this afternoon, I wanted it then. Now, I have it. I'm satisfied ... and it "perked."
ReplyDeleteAH! Like Tom, I too waited for this blog. It's usually the last thing I read before turning in. I felt the effects of withdrawals from an inspiration 'jones' and lied there awake wondering what could have been so important that GFK didn't post tonight?? Ha! Got up today and find that this blog was the first site I opened. Couldn't wait!