Finally, proof that there is a god!
It happened at lunch time today.
I was doing my usual walk to a local eatery with my camera when I spotted hard evidence that god was here in February of 2005.
What amazes me is that the media never picked up on it and that he didn't do a bunch of book signings or a world tour with stops in all of the major cities. He didn't even appear on Oprah or Ellen.
He came and went without a mention on Fox News. Didn't even do a radio spot with Rush Limbaugh. Can you imagine coming all the way here and not stopping to see his good buddy, Rush? I thought those two were really tight. Just goes to show, you never really know.
Must have been a quick trip for him. Probably got a good rates on airfare and hotel and did a quick in and out before anyone recognized him. I suppose that it can get pretty tiring having everyone pestering you and asking you for things all the time. So I guess I can understand him just wanting to hang at the beach for a couple of days. No crowds, no miracles.
He probably didn't go in the Gulf at all. A couple of steps out onto the water and everyone would have recognized him. There's no hiding that one.
I never thought about this before but I will bet his bar bill was zero. Think about it, just order a glass of water and ~poof~ some primo red wine. Not bad... Hey, I wonder if he can make beers that way.
And, who can blame him for laying low. People can be fickle. One minute they are treating you really swell and the next minute they want you dead. Geesh!
So, there I was looking straight at irrefutable proof that god was here. I will admit that I never expected god to be the graffitti type but, heck, we all have our foibles.

Proof! There it was, plain as day.
I considered taking the sign, it would fetch a nice price on eBay, but the other side had traffic directions on it and I didn't want to cause an accident.
Getting rich is cool but I don't want to be killing anyone to do it. I figured that I could sell this picture to the Associated Press, make six figures and spend the rest of the year writing a book on god's hot vacation spots. Heck, if Laura Bush can get a book deal...
So there I was, all high on the fact that I had proof that there was a god and my euphoria made me blind to the fact that proof of god is also proof of his opposite.
As I walked away from the god-graffitti I immediately encountered this...

Suddenly, being an atheist seemed much safer.
This writing is the kind that excites my interest the most, except the last line. Well-written and perceptive. Keep it up, sir.