"Salmon salad."
"Any sides?"
"Spaetzle. Maybe spinach."
"Sound scrumptious. Do you have some to share?"
"Sorry, only a single serving."
"Wow, a shining silver service. Nice spoons."

"Thanks. Oh, no!"
"Oh no?"
"My single serving of salmon salad with sides of spaetzle and spinach served on a shining silver service with a spoon... and no fork!"
"No fork?"
"No fork!"

The preceding bit of silliness was prompted by two things:
- a personal challenge to photograph clear glass on both black and white backgrounds (I need to do a lot more work on this!)
- Thom's comment from yesterday's post (which tickled me and made me want to do something really silly)
For those who have asked, "Who's Thom?" (and everyone asks), you can check out his blog at http://BobosBest.blogspot.com. Hopefully he will include a link in his current blog (which is only a week old) to his previous blog.
Sometimes silly is so satisfying... sorry, I'll stop. Seriously...
I love it! Thanks, silly man. I'm glad you accepted both challenges. You "done" well. Thanks for the referral. I'm having trouble with the time and date of publication being incorrect. Today's blog has a June 25 date, so is the second, rather than the first blog, on the page. I've searched for how to communicate with Google but can only find forums, not specific help.