of finger points...
It's not my fault!
I didn't do it!
I didn't vote for these people.
I don't even think I voted.
I don't hate anyone
and I don't believe
that anyone hates me.
I don't feel superior
or inferior to anyone.
I like where I live
but I suppose that
if I lived somewhere else
I would like that place, too.
I don't want anything
that is not mine.
There is nothing
that I am willing
to kill for.
I have no religion
no sports team
and nothing that I
believe in enough to
stick it on my bumper
or tattoo it on my body.
I believe that
I am beautiful
just the way I am
and I appreciate
your beauty
just the way you are.
I identify with nothing
and belong to no groups.
There is no inside
to be out of
and no outside
to be into.
I don't watch TV
and I don't read the paper.
I am not afraid of the flu
or whatever panic
is being pushed today
and often don't hear
of this week's threat until it
has already been replaced
with the next one.
I don't gamble
not in Vegas or on Wall Street
so those movements
are of no importance to me.
I drive a car,
so I don't cry when someone
spills a little oil.
Somehow, through all of my apathy
and my attempts to block it all out
it still seeps in.
When I am forced to look at it
I know that it is not of my doing.

So, I point my finger
and know that
it must be YOU!
Your ideas are intuitive. Your words are on-the-mark. I just wanted to POINT THAT OUT. :) The picture is perfect.