I promise to get back to fiction but before I do I would like to know how we are supposed to be "green" when there seems to be no thought at all in the packaging of the products we purchase.
I am not a fan of Starbucks. Their coffee tastes bitter and burned. It might be fine in a frothy, funky, frappe thingy but as a cup of black coffee it is just not enjoyable. On top of having bad coffee, they have a habit of crowing about how "conscious" they are.
Oh, really?
Can they please explain why they serve their coffee in inappropriate cups, with plastic lids and single use thermal liners?

I am not singling out Starbucks, it seems that all of our products are inappropriately packaged.
Do you remember Chicklets? A simple cardboard box with some gum inside. Buy a package of gum nowadays and it is a cardboard wrapper with a plastic blister pack inside. Why?
Remember when milk came in cardboard cartons? Not anymore. Plastic.
Even cardboard orange juice containers now have plastic screw caps. How silly.
Yes, I take my reusable bags to the grocery... and load them up with things that contain more packaging than product.
Sorry, this little bit of reality was uncalled for. Tomorrow we get back to fiction.
I enjoyed today's non-fiction. Read my blog today about the oil spill (if you have time). I hate disposable. I regularly turn in plastic bags. My prescription medicines from Walgreens come in zip-lock bags. I save them and use them for freezer storage.