It's not time
that unwinds
in metered beats
It's not time
that passes
too quickly for new lovers
whose panting persists
long beyond the kiss.
It's not time
stretching taffy-pulled tacky
when the getting-there
has gotten old
and the being-there
has not yet begun.
It's not time
that ticks
in the pendulous precision
of metered mechanics
and craftsmanship
calibrated and calculated.
It's not time
that measures
the distance between
birth and beyond.
It's not time
forging a forgetful fog
healing hurt
and providing
to the patient
and the persistent.
It's not time
that passes
before our eyes
or tails behind us
a snaking silvery
snails trail of memory.
It's not time
that stretches before us
a cobblestoned pathway
all forks and frontiers
distractions and diversions
simply because
it's not time.

Beautiful words! Beautiful pictures! But, if it's not time, what is it?