A lot of people ask about my photos, how they might improve their photography and how to use Photoshop.
The first thing I tell them is that there are only three things that you need to know to take better pictures: ISO, aperture and shutter speed.
All of the other hoo-ha's, gee-gaw's, whiz-bang wizardry and adjustments on your camera are nice but not essential. If you understand how to manipulate these three components you will never need to manipulate an image in Photoshop because you will get the shot right the first time - in the camera.
Yes, I can use Photoshop and I can do amazing things with it but it is not a replacement for skillful and creative use of the camera.
If you want to improve your photography take your camera out of program mode and work in manual, aperture priority or time/shutter priority. You will have greater control.
The other thing people ask is what to take pictures of. My answer to that is simple: EVERYTHING!
The two images in this blog are straight out of the camera. They were taken seconds apart while standing in the same spot. One facing west one facing east.

I love pictures of cloud formations, especially stormy ones. The first one here is incredible. I'd love to see the "big picture." Thanks for both your words and your pictures. You start my day right.