Ya gotta wonder bout men
who go scouting for boys
and spend their weekends
just playing with toys.
Leaving their wives at home
when they're alone
with boys...
...ya gotta wonder bout men.
Ya gotta wonder bout men
who think that it's good
to spend time in pup-tents
with young boys in the woods.
I don't think I understand
how this appeals to full grown men
not boys...
...ya gotta wonder bout men.
Ya gotta wonder bout men
who tell you about
all of their friends
who are only cub scouts.
Dressing up to go to camp
in neckerchief and those short pants...
...ya gotta wonder bout men.
Ya gotta wonder bout men
Who think that it's fun
to spend all their time
with someone else's son.
They try so hard to be a dad
to the boy they never had...
...ya gotta wonder bout men.
Now, I'm not suggesting anything
I'm just saying I'm wondering...
...ya gotta wonder bout men.

Note: I just write what the voices in my head tell me to write. I found the humor only after loosening my neckerchief a little.
You might have been able to substitute "priests" for men. I found myself doing so. It's interesting that you formatted this writing as a poem and gave it the repetition it needed.