She tries to distract herself with paperwork but her eyes wander up from her desk to the only patient in the waiting room. The sight of him sitting there sends a carbonated fizzing bubbly-upening through her.
Being the only procedure they perform, he can only be here for the operation.
In the nine years that she has worked as Dr. Minks' receptionist she has seen thousands of patients but this gentleman... a few giggles escape her ... cannot possibly need the operation.
And, if he doesn't need it then why would he want to have it?
Granted, it is more of a "procedure" than an "operation". Everything is done here in the office in less than 30 minutes with the prep-nurse taking most of that time to shave the patient. The vision of Sallie shaving this man adds hilarity to the humor and she cannot hold back the laugh.
What could this man be thinking?
She bites her lip as she considers that he might be thinking about Sallie and the shaving and that this may be the only reason why he is having the operation.
On the pre-surgical questionairre he wrote his age as sixty-two and his marital status as single. He looks much older and being single does not surprise her.
Laughing at a client, at anyone, is not very kind. Michelle knows this but she just can't shake the impression that this man has never had a date in his life.
She watches as the door to room number three opens and Mr. Timmons walks out a little stiffly. Sallie follows behind him and escorts him to the Michelle's desk to complete the final paperwork.
Sallie wishes Mr. Timmons well before picking up the gentleman's folder. "Mr. Wilson, are you ready for your vasectomy?"
NOTE: This was prompted by a billboard advertising a clinic specializing in vasectomies. I laughed at the thought of someone choosing their doctor from an ad on the highway. That thought was followed by the thought for this story. OK, some thoughts are better not making it to print. And, since I am already moving about freely in Wacky Town, I will continue with pictures that have nothing to do with the story.

I "dated" an 80 year old - actually he was my dance partner at the AM Legion post - and a distant family member. But he loved pulling all the WWII vet's legs about 'us'. Anyway, on a grocery run, I had some women's things in my cart. He insisted on paying for my items, I went to get the forgotten milk. When I returned to the check out, he was saying to the cashier - who wore an incredulous look on her face - "These are for my wife" - He loved to crack people up!