I'd like to be just like Astro Boy
Doing good deeds just like Astro Boy
When I walk I'd squeak just like Astro Boy
And have crooks run from me just like Astro Boy.
I won't be square when I'm Astro Boy
Have points in my hair just like Astro Boy
Bad guys wouldn't dare when I'm Astro Boy
'cause I will be there when I'm Astro Boy.
I will fly free when I'm Astro Boy
With flames from my feet when I'm Astro Boy
I'll clean up the streets when I'm Astro Boy
By rounding up thieves when I'm Astro Boy.
Where injustice lurks I'll be Astro Boy
That's where I'll work when I'm Astro Boy
To put fairness first just like Astro Boy
The villains will curse when I'm Astro Boy.
It won't take long when I'm Astro Boy
To right all wrong when I'm Astro Boy
We'll all get along when I'm Astro Boy
And sing my theme song when I'm Astro Boy.
Yes, I'd like to be just like Astro Boy
It's long been my dream to be Astro Boy
It's hard to believe I'm not Astro Boy
When there's a hero in me I call Astro Boy.

I think I have always seen some "Astro Boy" in you, my friend. Go for it!