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Crooked men telling straight-faced lies.
Crooked men eyeing curved women in straight bars.
A runway planed from a wooded jungle.

We can state with 100% certainty that 98% of all statistics are made up.
Racing full-bore through childhood,
Riding the brake through adulthood,
Arriving at old age out of gas and desperately searching for reverse.
Still sitting in traffic at a standstill.
A single minded person with a dual personality.

Fairly certain of a certain fairy
she pasted her tooth to an ad for toothpaste
and placed it beneath her pillow.
The brightest men are unplugged.
Unrowed, a cartopped canoe rode down the road.
So far he looked sorry
on safari in a sari.

Vocabulary lesson. The word today is:
Rearesistable (rear-uh-zis-tuh-bull) - knowing that something is asinine but wanting it anyway.

The reptilian face you see above is actually four images. The software I use to import images from the camera to the computer arranges many thumbnails in a grid for quick viewing. These four images appeared in that order. When I looked at the screen I saw a lizard looking out at me. The images are of moss growing on tree bark.

Some of the voices in my head tell me full stories. Others, like the ones featured in this Watermelon series, say very little. I will continue to listen and to let you know what everyone in there is saying.
A potpourri of word play. I've never worn a sari, sorry to say (smile).