Three, he thought, they always enter on three. Adam knew how people behaved; in this business, you learned a lot about people. Understanding them was just part of the job.
Part of that understanding was used to design this shop. The first thing he needed was the right location - close enough to be convenient but far enough away to afford some privacy. To be able to afford his services, clients had to be wealthy - very wealthy - but he only opened shops in the worst neighborhoods.
The woman passing by was dressed too well for this neighborhood. She could be here for no other reason than to visit his shop. She was just building up enough nerve to enter.
Adam looks out through the shop window and up at the sky set ablaze by the setting sun.

The bells on the shop door tinkle as she enters. As anticipated, she entered only after having walked by twice.
Adam greeted her warmly looking toward her face but not directly at it. People found eye-contact too aggressive. He watched as she glanced around the shop casually, often over her shoulder as if she had seen all of this before and she was just browsing.
She will tell me that she is shopping for a friend, he thought, they are always shopping for a friend. "How may I help you, today?" he asked as she picked up a small display model.
She continued to look at the model, turning it over in her hands as she answered, "I'm just looking right now," she said then hastily added, "for a friend."
She is not ready. He knows it and rather than offer his services, he gives her some more time. "Feel free to browse around. Take your time. If you have any questions, I will be right over here." He returns to his stool behind the counter and starts sorting through a stack of papers - the same stack of papers he sorts through with every nervous customer.
She returns the model to the shelf and continues browsing.
There are no prices on anything in the shop. Everything displayed is a simulation, their only purpose is to provide people with something to look at while they get comfortable enough to tell him what they want.
Six, he thinks glancing at his watch, it will take her six minutes to open up. He continues sorting papers.
"Excuse me, what is the price of a new one?"
He checks his watch as he puts two more papers in one of the sorted stacks. Seven minutes. Off by a whole minute. Damn.
He explains that the cost of a new one is prohibitively expensive and not at all necessary as he has the ability to repair any damage on the one her friend already owns. Pulling out a large black binder and placing it on the counter in front of her he offers to show her his three most popular services. She moves closer as he opens the book, flips forward a few pages then turns the book around to face her.
He points, "Our basic service is a complete cleaning and buffing. This is appropriate if your friend is not overweight, does not smoke or drink and has lived well, for example, your friend would have no criminal record.
"Our next level adds minor ding, dent and scratch repair to the basic service. This level does not include replacement of any parts." He pauses to allow her time to view the list of examples in the book.
He flips the page. "Our premium service is comprehensive. It includes all of the features in our basic and mid-level plans plus any replacement parts that are required. Unlike warranty service that only replaces parts that are defective, our service will replace all affected parts including those that are damaged through improper use, neglect or through normal wear and tear."
Again, he pauses to allow her to run her finger down the long list of covered items. "All levels come with a complete inspection guarantee. If, after repairs are complete, you fail an inspection, we will either complete the repairs necessary for you to pass the inspection or we will refund your complete purchase amount. And, I must tell you that we have been in business forever and have never had a complaint. I am not aware of even one failed inspection."
She is still not ready but he can see a man on his first pass by the shop. Rather than try to convince her to buy today, he will let her leave and think about it on her own time. She will be back. In the meantime, he will be able to work with the man that will soon be entering.
"If you tell me about your friend, I am sure we can choose the right service for them."
"Well, I'm not sure this is the right gift. I am just going to think about it for a while before I decide."
"That's fine. If I can be of any assistance," he hands her a business card, "just give me a call at that number."
She thanks him and looks at the card before putting it in her purse.
Established in the beginning.
All work done on premises.
100% Money Back Guarantee
The bells on the shop door tinkle as she exits
You are continuing the "happiness machine" genre. You had me going there, wondering why you didn't divulge the product, which kept me reading to the end. Good writing.