"What's that?"
"What's what?"
He points to something that looks like a toaster. "Under the end table."
"Oh, that. It's nothing."
"Nothing? Honey, when I look in my wallet, that's nothing. When I look under the end table, that's something." He gets up from beside her on the couch and picks it up.
It is the same size and shape as a toaster. It has the same shiny chrome surface but without the slots and handle. There are no lights, no cord and no brand name emblazoned on it. It does have a small dial with a picture of the sun on it.
No matter which way he turns it, he sees himself reflected on its surface.
He turns it over and reads the label on the bottom. "The Happiness Machine?"
The guilt she feels over having spent money is evident in her weak smile. "I know I shouldn't have but things have been bad lately. I just thought...".
She says nothing more while he carries the box back to the couch and sits down beside her. "So, how does it work?"
"It balances the magnetic energy around us by ...".
As she tells him about all of the wonderful things this machine is doing, he is looking into its shining surface and seeing reflections of the room around them and the sun spilling through the curtains. He can change the angle and see the ceiling or the floor but no matter which way he holds the machine, he can see the reflection of the two of them sitting side by side on the couch.
"... it takes several days for the the full effects to be felt."
He smiles at their reflection then directly at her. "I think I am feeling it already."
My happiness machine is internal for which I am very grateful. In fact, your blog usually turns on my "happiness machine" each day. Thanks.