The term "biot" refers to any bioligically engineered machine and is a contraction of the words biological and robot. The first biots were simple algae grown to counteract pollutants in the environment.
In 2021 Chinese scientists engineered the first true biot by integrating a biological CPU module into a portable communications device. One primary benefit was the elimination of batteries as the biological components were "fed" through chemical interactions between the device and the user.
As with all technology, advancements occurred rapidly and by 2025 almost all computing devices utilized biot technologies. Most advancements in the engineering and manufacturing of biots was designed and tested by biots themselves.
Biots had something that no prior computing device had ever possessed: the ability to learn.
In 2028 it was discovered that the primary manufacturer of biot components had been using human stem cells as the source of biological material.
There was a public outcry and human rights groups lobbied for and secured rights for all biot devices. The primary directive of the biot legislation was that no device could be disposed of in an inhumane manner.
As a result, old biot devices were recycled and their biological components grafted into a large public information network. Mollified, activists turned their attentions elsewhere.
And while they were otherwise occupied, something went wrong... very wrong.

Okay, you have my attention. Read my blog coming up on "fear," and you'll see why you can't scare me (smile). We must sit down and discuss biots one of these days!