The name came from the movie Brigadoon. Not that there is a character, town, food or anything else called Gargadoon in the movie. No, the name Gargadoon is a strange conglomeration of Gregory and Brigadoon.
OK, I know what you are thinking: that my father is pretty weird.
And, yes, he may be but guess what? I got much of his crazy creativity so I understand and appreciate the way his mind works.
Sometimes it is hard to keep up with him and the associations he forms seem to come from nowhere but if you think about them long enough they inevitably reveal some underlying mental brilliance.
My mother isn't that quirky and for the longest time I couldn't understand how she could be so nice and so giving all of the time.
Just once I wanted to see her tell someone off. You know they deserved it and you know she had to think it but her expressions and her responses never revealed it.
I think that it is called compassion and she has more than most.
So, thanks to my parents, I have creazassion - a creative crazy compassion.
I tell you this so that you will understand why I find these flowers interesting.

And why I find this lightpole reaching through these leaves and into the clouds worthy of a picture.

And why this stack of barricades is worth saving and sharing with you.

As you know, I l-o-v-e playing with words. One of my literary heroes is Bennett Serf. You will find some word play in my blog this morning.