No, I am not fishing for compliments, just explaining that I don't put as much as I could into these posts as I could.
For the most part, the photography is just what I take on my daily photo walks.
Now, don't read too much into the "walks". Sometimes they are nothing more than a one block dash to the grocery store at lunch time and a quick return to my cubicle.
The writing is rarely thought out in advance.You are getting thoughts that are often too immature to be standing on their own.
with all of my coming...

and going...

...this is sometimes the only few minutes of sanity in my day.
No apology needed. With all the time I have available, I can only come up with something to say every other day, and I may, at some point, write once a week, which was what I intended initially. Your writing is you as is your photography. Keep it up!