One of my favorite pieces of music
is Joy from George Winston's album "December".
Hearing it makes me happy.
Last night I had the pleasure
of photographing the
Mighty Sarasota Military Academy.
They made me happy.
This was their first performance
on the stage at the Van Wezel Performing Arts Center.
They had performed outside the theater before
but never on stage.
In speaking with the marketing director
this performance made her happy, too.
Drumlines just make me want to sway,
to tap,
to move,
to smile!
It seemed that the same was not true
of the performers.

I wondered how I could be so moved
and they could be so stayed,
so stony,
so stoic?
They were wonderful!
The music was infectious!
Were they nervous?
Or had they been instructed to
stand erect,
without emotion?

Whatever the reason,
the joy could just not be contained.

The young man's smile is genuine
and it has spilled over into the young woman
behind him.
What fun!
Whatever you do today,
let your joy shine!!!
I love the tension you created in this blog -- the stoicism overcome at last and infecting others. I am an eternal optimist and hope my optimism is infectious.