"Jack, old pal, how would you like to do me a favor?"
"Would you be our best man?"
"Meredith and I have decided to get married and we would like you to be the best man."
"Are you sure? I mean, you've only been dating for little while."
"When you meet the right one, you just know. Jack, I am positive that Mer is the one for me."
"What happened to Teri? You were pretty certain about her, what, three months ago."
"Teri and I were too different. She wanted kids and a house with a white picket fence. That's not me, buddy."
"But Meredith said she wants kids, too."
"Yeah, she thought she might like kids but we talked and she realized that kids just tie you down. She didn't really want kids."
"So, when are you planning this wedding?"
"We haven't picked a date yet. We just signed Mer up at the gym. She really needs to lose some weight before the wedding. Not much, maybe ten or twenty pounds."
"That's good. How much are you going to lose?"
"Me? I'm not signed up. Besides, Mer says she likes me with a solid build."
"Solid, huh? So, losing weight wasn't her idea?"
"She thinks it's a great idea. You only get married once and you will have those pictures for the rest of your life. Nothing wrong with looking your best. It's going to take some effort but it's worth it. Down the line she is going to thank me for suggesting it."
"What else is she going to be thanking you for?"
"Well, she already likes being a blonde."
"She dyed her hair?"
"Yeah. Wait till you see her. With it short and blonde she looks really great."
"OK. And the wedding is likely to be when?"
"Well, it won't be before November. The surgeon can't schedule her until late October and he says that the swelling and black eyes could take a couple of weeks to go down."
"Black eyes?"
"We want to have her nose done before the wedding. Pictures... you know."
"Yeah, pictures."
"Am I a lucky guy, or what? What did I do to deserve her? Every time I look at her, I can't believe how perfect she is. Really, she's just perfect."

This writing reminds me of "The Birthmark" by Hawthorne. I liked the two pictures more than I liked the story.